Tag: barcamp
Developer Playground – Ready for Take-off @ space:d
One day before the Developer Playground@space:d starts, we know one thing we have not been fully sure about yet: developers know where Hannover is and they are ready to get together on the CeBIT fairground!
CeBIT Hackathon well stuffed with 12 devices
It took some time, but eventually the device list for the Developer Playground hackathon on Fri 14. is complete – or at least almost complete. Twelve devices – as far as we know today – will be presented to the developers as hacking objects.
Smart watches: real innovation still to come
Smartwatches are only in the first stage of their evolution, some features are still disappointing, experts say. Nevertheless, developers are challenged to push for the real innovation in this field. On the Developer Playground, they can do so together.
How to develop car apps
A new system allows developers to write apps that enhance the functionality of cars and enable innovative mobility services. All it takes is an ODB plug which almost every car built in the past 15 years has on board. The makers of the mad system are proposing to present it during a barcamp session.
Smart Glasses: insights of a guru and hands-on instructions
Smart Glasses technology is among the main topics on the Developer Playground. Mostafa Akbari from RWTH (Technical University) Aachen will share his experience and insight in this field. Also on the Developer Playground: hands-on instructions for developers working on smart glasses.
CeBIT barcamp is open
space:d – Developer Playground registration has opened. The hands-on hardware event for developers on CeBIT from March, 12-14. has open the registration. Get you free CeBIT entrance and register for the participation of the barcamp and hackathon.