One day before the Developer Playground @ space:d starts, we know one thing we have not been fully sure about yet: developers know where Hannover is and they are ready to get together on the CeBIT fairground!

We don’t know if (in fact, we doubt that) it has to do with German chancellor Angela Merkel’s and the British prime minister David Cameron’s speeches during the opening ceremony of the world’s biggest computer trade fair.

More than 120 visitors so far have registered for the barcamp and for the hackathon.
Instead we believe it is due to a compelling list of proposals already submitted in advance for the developer playground barcamp, a great program we were lucky to compile for our featured track and an exiting collection of gadgets that will be in the focus of the hackathon.

We know it’s quite new and feels unfamiliar for most geeks to hack and work in an environment like an ordinary business trade fair. Nevertheless we believe it will work out! Not only because the team of space:d set up an area with open meeting spots as well as space for secluded team work.
But also because there’s so much interest among the old-school business people (CIOs, IT Managers, VPs of Information Management – you name it) in what the young people are doing, how they work and what’s important for them. Thus, the Developer Playground could eventually turn out as an opportunity where natives and immingrants in the digital space learn from each other.
CU on CeBIT fairground in Hall 6 at Booth H50!