The 6 hours hackathon
Special thanks to my co-organisers Friedger Müffke, Heinrich Seeger and Boris Jebsen who made this a very cool CEBIT 2014 hackathon event for all participants.
Although we limited on-boarding and development time to 6 hours only – all developer teams accepted this time-boxed challenge. They jump started their development stack and everbody built a functional app for each hardware. We used Epson BT-200 smart glasses, Udoo boards, Asandoo BLE beacons and Lemonboards. KUDOS TO YOU ALL !
It was very hard to judge but the biggest hackathon hack for me is the working Flappy Bird clone. You can now play 3D Flappy Bird as augmented reality smart glass app. The Android App runs on the EPSON moverio BT-200 and uses metaio and the orginal Flappy Bird game look and feel but is enhanced and does not only but 2d but 3D ! But take a short look yourself at the video. It runs fluid on the moverio. The recorded game play video was beamed during the jury session from a connected laptop to the moverio. The game play background is the players own vision through the moverio glasses.
Winners of CEBIT 2014 hackathon @ space: d
- st Place
Brightness sensor controlled sound synthesizer (Udoo – DevTeam: Enrico Becker, Jan Sauerzapfe – Price: Fischer Technik set thanks to IBM startup ralley, Alcatel OneTouch Smartphone ) - nd Place
Flappy Bird AR – smart glass app flappy bird 3D augmented reality version (EPSON Moverio BT-200 – DevTeam: Denis Volkmer – Price: EPSON moverio BT-100 ) - rd Place winners
- Arduino Traffic-Light disco – Android remote traffic light App with control server (Udoo & lemonboard – DevTeam: Maik Richel Price: Alcatel OneTouch Smartphone )
- dAR Vinci – smart glass app augmented drawing app (EPSON moverio BT-200 – DevTeam: Tri Truong – Price: EPSON moverio BT-100)
- Roverremote – Android remote control for rover robot @droidrover (Udoo & NokiaX – DevTeam: Sven Mielke, Knut Linke, Eugen Palnau – Price: Alcatel OneTouch Smartphone)
- Beacon – Indoor Location with beacons as Android app (Asaando Beacons – DevTeam: Kai Fontlein – Price: Wine, Beacons, Lemonboard)
- 3D Cubes – find hidden magic cubicles on space:d (EPSON Moverio BT-200 – DevTeam: Björn Ebner – Price:EPSON moverio BT-100)
- Remote controlled speach generating web server (Lemonboard – DevTeam: Friedger Müffke – Price: Lemonboard)